Author: Scott

News CommentPolitics

Gas Tax Idiocy

I was doing something the other day I won’t be doing again in the foreseeable future: reading a Motor Trend magazine. I was out of toilet reading material, but, while reading, I found another toiletry use for the magazine. Yup, they’re pushing an increased gas tax, like the government’s talking about even now. It’s all about forced behavior modification and enhanced governmental control over lives.

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News CommentPersonal

Awe of Space Travel

I got to do something a week or so ago that I haven’t been able to do in quite some time: watch a space shuttle launch. I can’t even remember the last time I’d watched one, but it’s just as awesome as I remember them. But with all the talk of retiring the shuttles floating about and current government plans for replacement, I really have to look back and evaluate my understanding of the space program.

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I nearly cried in Walmart today

I was just walking through today as I went by to pick up a copy of The Dark Knight. While there, I decided to peruse the toy aisles, since I haven’t picked up anything to give my little niece for Christmas. But while browsing through, just looking at them, I found something that totally took me by surprise…a 25th anniversary version of the original Optimus Prime.

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