
Here you find the answer to the rhetorical question, “if I were in charge…”


Politician: “Keep Your Convictions to Yourself”

While the title’s not a direct quote, that’s the gist of what was said by Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) in a letter to Politico. The essence of this is, “keep your superstitious foolishness to yourselves and leave the governing to us progressives, or we’ll steal your money.”

If you’re wondering where you may have heard of Rep. Woolsey before, she was the one responsible for Cindy Sheehan’s disruption of the 2006 State of the Union address. She had given her sole invitation to Sheehan, despite knowing she was a full-on loon.

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News CommentPolitics

Gas Tax Idiocy

I was doing something the other day I won’t be doing again in the foreseeable future: reading a Motor Trend magazine. I was out of toilet reading material, but, while reading, I found another toiletry use for the magazine. Yup, they’re pushing an increased gas tax, like the government’s talking about even now. It’s all about forced behavior modification and enhanced governmental control over lives.

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