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Raising or Lowering Keys of Accompaniment Tracks

I’m a volunteer music director at my church, and, as such, I’ve gone through a number of accompaniment tracks over the years. During that time, I have acquired many tracks that were simply out of my vocal range or were too uncomfortable to deal with. Some time back, though, I found a largely successful workaround that allows me to alter the key of a track, and I wrote a how-to guide for some of my fellow music directors. And I now post it publically in the hopes that it’ll be of help to someone out there, in the online ether.

Programs Used For This Project: Audiograbber, Audacity

Make sure to install Audiograbber and Audacity before you start. They won’t try to take over your computer, so don’t feel hesitant in putting them on there. If you follow along with this guide exactly as it is written, you shouldn’t have a problem at all. These programs are pretty straightforward with screenshots throughout, and the guide was written as I worked on a track of my own.

Step 1: Ripping the track
Insert the CD and open Audiograbber. When it opens for the first time (and every time thereafter, unless you tell it otherwise), it’ll open a pop-up window with a “Tip of the Day” for running the program. Click the “OK” button to close it. At the main screen (see FIGURE 1), you’ll find all tracks check marked…click on the checks to make them disappear, leaving only those track(s) you want ripped to the computer checked.

Click the “Settings” button to get to the “General Settings” dialogue window (see FIGURE 2). Look under “Directory to store files in”…if you’re happy with where it’s going (probably “c:audiograbber”), just click the “OK” button and get back to the main screen. Otherwise, tell it where to store your ripped files. Don’t forget where to find the files!

At the main screen, click the “Grab” button, and it’ll do just that (see FIGURE 3). Once done, close Audiograbber. Of course, you can uninstall it if you want, but I’d keep it…it’s a pretty useful little program.

Step 2: Editing the track
At this point, open Audacity. Click “File” to find the “Open” option (see FIGURE 4), and then find the file…it’s in that folder you were told not to forget earlier! Once the file is loaded, you need to select the whole track to it can be edited. Do this by holding down the “Ctrl” button as you press the “A” key (also referred to as “Ctrl-A”…this does the same thing as going to the “Edit” menu, clicking “Select…” and then clicking “All”).

Now that the file is ready to edit, go to the “Effect” menu and click the “Change Pitch” option (see FIGURE 5). On the resulting “Change Pitch” screen (see FIGURE 6), there are two drop boxes…set the drop box on the left to the original key of the track, and set the one on the right to the key you want it to convert to. Notice the radio buttons in between them? Click one or the other to tell it whether you’re going up or down to get to the new key. Click the “OK” button to make it start the conversion.

At this point, you can hit the play button to listen to the newly altered track. If it’s to your liking, go to the “File” menu to save it somewhere…again, remember where you put it so you can burn it to a CD later. Otherwise, you can hit Ctrl-Z (same as going to the “Edit” menu and clicking “Undo”) to make it go back to the way it was before you changed it. At that point, you can repeat the process and experiment with how it sounds.


This on-again, off-again, would-be commentator proves that attitudes are contagious, and that some can even kill. To this end, every written word is weighed carefully to ensure the precise delivery of the author's intent while inflicting blunt force trauma to the psyche of the reader.

7 thoughts on “Raising or Lowering Keys of Accompaniment Tracks

  • Thanks for posting this! Can you also mess with the music as well? As in: can I place a repeat of the same section inside the song?

  • Yes, you can. What you’ll want to do is use the mouse to select the section you want to repeat, copy the section, put the cursor where you want it, and paste the section. Granted, you’ll have to zoom in and edit the part of the waveform where the two parts join, and it may take some meticulous editing on your part, but out can be done, and once you get the hang of it, it won’t take as long the next time you try it.

  • Is there anyway that you can remove background vocals? When I get to the pitch I need, the background vocals are so distorted that it doesn’t sound good anymore.

  • The short answer is “sort of”. I’ve never been very successful at removing BGV, but I haven’t worked on it at length…yet. If I can pull it off I’ll be sure to post a follow-up comment, edit the article, or just post a new one.

    In the meantime, you may want to check out this link. There are many options for this in the linked-to wiki, but I haven’t tried the majority of them. So your milage may vary. If you can make it happen, be sure to let me know!

  • Hi Scott,

    I hope you’re still keeping track of this site, as I see that it’s been several years since the last question. Are these still the best programs to download, or are there better more efficient ones out there now? I am trying to download the Audiograbber and my computer seems to think it’s chocked full of malware, which I’d prefer not to download obviously. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!


  • Finding this info is an answer to prayer for me. I’m a church soloist and finding soundtracks in my range has been such a challenge. I have dozens of tracks I’ve ordered and haven’t been able to use. I’ve downloaded both Audiograbber and Audacity and can now get to work making those tracks usable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. God bless you!

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